Saturday 6 September 2008

Drowning in boxes!

I can’t believe it has been a month since I last wrote in my blog. We have been really busy making t-shirts and getting ready for the London, Earls Court Baby Show next month. It feels at the moment as if we are drowning in a sea of boxes; our winter collection has arrived! We have now added Rugby shirts, Long sleeve Polo shirts and Hoodies to the range they are really cute – but it is amazing how much space these little clothes take up!
I’m really looking forward the Baby Show it is so much fun, hard work but great to meet the people that are buying our clothes.

Have you heard about the banks finally making bank transfer faster? It’s about time; I’ve always wondered where the money disappears to when it’s left your account but not yet in the receiving account. We have just introduced Bank Transfer as a payment method on our site; it will be interesting to see how much it is used. In Holland, the first simply colors website, nearly all the customers pay via bank transfer but their system is great, mostly the transfer is complete in a couple of hours the longest time is 24 hours!

Here are some of the cute slogans that we have had in the last few weeks:

This one was for a newborn; it had the baby’s full name on the front and the date, time and weight at birth on the back of a short sleeve body – a real keepsake.

‘cuddle munchkin’ on the front ‘mummy & daddy’s little tike’ on the back

‘Charlie’ ‘city fan’

‘I’m a big sister’ on the front with the child’s name on the back

‘I’m a baby sister’ on the front with the child’s name on the back

‘I’m cool like my Granda’

‘Brighton Festival Babe’ ‘Lets Party’

I really like the big sister/baby sister ones, they look really good when the little T-shirt is light pink with neon pink text and the older T-shirt is pink with light pink text – they look really cute.

I would love to hear any slogans that you have seen or thought of, post them on the blog for all to see!
